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Урок английского языка для 10 класса  Kazakhstan is my Motherland




Колибаба Татьяна Михайловна

Учитель английского языка

ГУ Волгодоновская СШ

Акмолинская обл.

Аршалынский район

Урок английского языка для 10 класса

The theme: “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

The aims: 1.To enrich pupil’s knowledge about Kazakhstan, to get as much information about Kazakhstan, as possible

2. The bringing up aims: To develop pupils’ habits in speaking, retelling, listening, translating and to check their understanding

3. The training aim: To repeat all the materials that they have learned about Kazakhstan before.

4. To bring up patriots of our Motherland

5. The supplementary materials: The map of Kazakhstan, cards, pictures, portraits of famous people, computer, a video-cassette-player and TV.

The plan of the open lesson.

1. Организационный момент.  (Слайд 1)

— Good morning, children and our guests. You are welcome to our open lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

-What day of the week is it today?

- And who is absent today?

IIПсихологический настрой на урок.

T - Before we will begin our lesson, I want to ask you to go out forward and to do a large circle

I suggest to wish yourself and your neighbor something pleasant. For example: I wish  health  for me and happiness for my neighbor. (success, to be happy and healthy, Move forward with  confidence, an amazing day! to love life and never stop dreaming, friendship, be happy and keep that beautiful smile you have, a wonderful day, Good luck! I wish you success. Don't be shy! I wish you well. Wish you lots of success I wish you joy, May (all) your dreams come true, I hope you will be happy. I also wish you good luck!)

T: Thank you ever so much.  Let us take up hands. And wish good luck for everybody.

Деление на группы

And now make a line and choose a shit of paper. Who has got red paper is in group  1, green -2, yellow -3. And now take your places, please.                                                           2 мин.

III. Вводное слово учителяСообщение темы и цели урока.

T: I  hope you are all right and ready for the discussion of a very important problem.

(Слайд  2)

Т: Dear friends, look at the blackboard These wonderful words belong to the great Byron

“He who loves not his country can love nothing”


T:  Read Byron’s words and translate them into Russian

T: Can you  define the topic of our lesson. - Right!  (Слайд  3)

It’s Kazakhstan is my Motherland

T: The great Byron  devoted his life to his motherland. He enriched it with wonderful poetry which is loved by people all over the world and his lines:

(Слайд  4)  “He who loves not his country can love nothing”  will be our motto today.

(Слайд  5)  T: Today’s lesson is devoted to our country Kazakhstan. So, the aim of our lesson is to get as much information about Kazakhstan, as possible.  I want you to be clever and active

IV. Warm up

T: What date we are going to celebrate on the 16-th of December?(Слайд  6)

T: Yes, you are right,  we are  going to celebrate the Independence Day of Kazakhstan.  On the 16-th of December 1991 a Declaration  about the Independence of Kazakhstan  was adopted.

25- years have passed since that memorable date. Our President N. Nazarbaev announced this year as the year of the 25-th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


T: And what synonyms to the word « Motherland» do you know? (Слайд  7)

P:  Native land, Fatherland, Homeland, native country. (Слайд  8)

.I want to begin our lesson with the English proverb   (Слайд  9)

There is no place like home.

How do you understand this proverb?

How do you translate it into your native language?

P : В гостях хорошо,а дома - лучше

T: Yes, right you are, there is no place like home.

V. Мозговой штурм.   Работа в группах.

T: I want to know how do you know  proverbs about « Motherland»

Complete the proverbs say them in Russian, Kazakh

Let’ work in groups. Write proverbs.

1.Home is home though it be never so homely./Своя земля и в горсти мила.
2. So many countries, so many  customs.

3. As long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortal./До тех пор, пока Вы готовы отдать свою жизнь за человечество, ваша Родина -бессмертна

4. East or West ,home is best.

5. My house is my castle мой дом моя крепость
6. Every day a lion at home
каждый у себя дома господин

7. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country./He спрашивай, что твоя Родина может сделать для тебя, спроси себя, что ты можешь сделать для своей Родины.

8.. There is no place like home,

9. The wider we roam, the welcomer home./Всякому мила своя сторона

10. Home is where one starts from.


T: You see our people always loved their Motherland passionately . And we also love our Motherland. What does it mean to love Motherland? (Слайд  10)

P1: It means to love our parents, to love our native village.

P2: It means to love the beauty of the country’s nature/

P3: It means to love the mother tongue.

P4: It means to know the history of the country.

P5: It means to love your people.

P6: It means to prove your love of Motherland with the help of deeds but not beautiful words about it.

T: Love of Motherland comes to people in different ways. For some people their Motherland begins in a city street. For other people it is their own village or a house in which they have grown up. Usually this place is “the best place in the world”.

Now look at the blackboard and answer my question

Where does your Motherland begin for you? (Слайд  11)

P1 :There is nothing better and the most expensive in the world like Motherland. It is impossible to choose Motherland. It can be only loved.

P2: Motherland is the place you were born in.

P3 : Then it means the whole country where you live.

P4:  For me my motherland begins in my own village, in which I have grown up. May be this place is usual and uninteresting for other people, but for me it is the dearest place in the world.

P5:Motherland is  “the best place in the world”.

VI. T  Let’s watch video  .Video about Kazakhstan.


T: Now we shall have a short quiz (Questions about Kazakhstan)

VII. Brainstorming

                1.Where do you live?- We live in Kazakhstan.

What is the population of Kazakhstan? 16. 870.000

What is the size of the area of Kazakhstan? 2.724.900

Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

How many nationalities live in Kazakhstan?

Who is the head of the state?

How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (There are 14 regions)


What are they? (Akmola, Aktobe, Almaty, Atyray, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanai, Kyzylorda, Mangistau,Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan, South Kaz-n)

What is the largest city of K-n and where it lies? (The largest city of K-n is Almaty  and lies to the south-east of the country near the border with Kirgyztan and China.)

What is the most important place of interest in Almaty?

What are the State Symbols of  Kazakhstan? (They are the State Flag, the State                                 Emblem and the State Anthem )

What kind of state is KZ?

What city is the capital of Kazakhstan?

What is it famous for? (Astana is famous for its modern buildings)

Is Astana a centre for tourism?  ( Astana is not a centre for tourism but it’s a cultural and business centre)

What is the main symbol of Astana?

What is the high of Baiterek? 97m

What does the word Baiterek mean?  Young, strong, growing tree

The geographical location of Kazakhstan is advantageous for tourism. Why?

. What lake is the Balkhash?    half fresh and half

What is the climate of the state?     (extremely continental )

What do you know about the Great Silk Way? (The  Great Silk Way was the main trade rout in the ancient times)

What cities are located along the ancient  Great Silk Way? ( Cities such as Turkestan, Taraz,  Otrar are located along this route and attract many tourists nowdays}


T: Well done! Dear boys and girls, now  let’s play . Take a shit of paper. And listen the task: you have to paint about Kazakhstan while you hear the music, but when the music stops  you have to stop to paint. Is it clear? .

     T:  Stop working, please, time is over. OK, and now tell us about your pictures You                         have                    3 minutes

Represent the results of your work. It was great!

VIII. Активизация употребления новой лексики урока.

T: Let’s review some words. At home you had to look  through some new words. Letreview them.

. Затем каждому ученику дается одно слово для перевода и дети самостоятельно интерпретируют значение слов.

share – делиться  have a portion of (something) with another or others e.g  he shared the pie with her

re'sources – ресурсы богатство  something that you can use to achieve something e.g Kazakhstan is reach in mineral resources. The Internet is a useful resource for teaching English

desert – пустыня   a dry, barren area of land, especially one covered with sand, that is characteristically desolate, waterless, and without vegetation.

The world sees the desert as a desolate land offering only hardship and discomfort.

синонимыwasteland, wastes, wilderness, wilds, barren land, dust bowl

deposit - отложение

rename – give a new name to (someone or something).

Former  бывший having previously filled a particular role or been a particular thing.   her former boyfriend

IX. Reading. Work in groups: Read the text about Kazakhstan,

pay attention to the new words.

Text.  Open your book, page 80 ex.2 Text       “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland”.

T: We will work in groups:

                 First step: The 1st group reads the first paragraph

                                   The 2nd – the next one

                                   The 3d -  the ending of the text   5 m

           X. Work in groups. Работа в группах.

           Complete a cluster in groups about Kazakhstan. Use new words.

          The first group you will speak about Population and geographical places of                             Kazakhstan.

The second group you will speak about mineral resources and big cities of                             Kazakhstan.

The third group you will speak about sightseeing


XI. Discussion. Speaking about Kazakhstan

I am sure,  you know some more facts about Kazakhstan. Let’s answer the questions

Т: And now my questions about Kazakhstan:

When was Kazakhstan established? (K. was established as the Republic of K-n in December 1991)

What is its territory? (The territory of Kazakhstan is 27 million 249 thousand square kilometres)

What is the population of Kazakhstan?

What countries does it border on?

Which is the country rich  with? (The country is rich with mineral resources such as cooper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas.)

What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?

What is the largest city of K-n and where it lies? (The largest city of K-n is Almaty  and lies to the south-east of the country near the border with Kirgyztan and China.)

What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

When was Astana renamed? (In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana )

What countries does it border on? (The Republic of Kazakhstan borders Russia to the North, China to the East, Kurgystan and Turkmenistan to the South and the Caspian Sea to the West.)

What are the highest mountains? (Tarbagatai, Tyan-shan, Alatau, Altai)

What are the main rivers? (Irtysh, Ishim, Ural)

What are the most beautiful lakes? (Balhash, Zaisan, Aral)

What language is official in Kazakhstan?

What language is the language of international communication?

XII. Обобщение и систематизация лексических навыков

Children, are you proud of our Motherland?

-Yes, we are proud of our Motherland.

XIII. Рефлексия    Написание синквейна по теме урока в группах. Взаимооценивание групп.      Make up a Cinquain  Синквейн


Great, peaceful.

Live, boarder on, develop

That is all for today. You were  brilliant today. And your marks are …

                Our lesson is over. Thank you.  Good-bye!
















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