Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыКонспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Weather in different parts of Kazakhstan" (4 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Weather in different parts of Kazakhstan" (4 класс)

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Short-term  plan 1

Term 1 Unit Hot and cold



Teacher’s name:  

Grade: 4

Number present:


Theme of the Lesson:

Weather in different parts of Kazakhstan

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to and assessment criteria

4.R5understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues

4.UE9 use common present simple forms (positive, negative, questions) and contractions to talk about facts


Lesson objectives

Most learners will be able to:

ü  Understand difference between weather and climate

ü  Learn and write new words related to the topic

Some learners will be able to:

ü  Read the text and understand the main points

A few learners will be able to:

ü  Use Present simple forms to talk about weather in Kazakhstan

Success criteria

Learners apply the information about weather in Kazakhstan

School’s mission, vision and Global Citizenship

Skills for life-long learning

Value links

Independent work

Cross curricular links


ICT skills


Pastoral Care

Treat student’s as individuals and address their learning and personal needs

Previous learning

Brown bear

Health and safety

Short physical exercises in between the activities


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 mins


The teacher greets pupils.

The teacher demonstrates the pictures which refer to the natural processes in the fauna world. Students are to look at them and define what processes they are. The teacher encourages pupils to give their definitions of them and match them with their names. 

Introduce lesson objectives.



Slide 4






6- mins












10- mins












15- mins




(Whole class)

The teacher asks questions about weather and therefore prepares students for the following topic.

ü  What is the weather like today in our city?

ü  What was the weather like yesterday?

ü  What is the weather like today in hot countries?

ü  Is the weather the same in different places in the world?

ü  Is it different?

ü  Why is it different?

The teacher asks pupils if they know what climate and weather are. Students elicit their ideas if they have any. The teacher draws their attention to the first slide.

ü  What is the difference between weather and climate?

The teacher explains this difference or may ask more able students to read the information from the slide.

Then the teacher demonstrates the image with different types of climate. 

New vocabulary

Students write new words in their vocabulary and practice pronouncing them. Also this task can be done as a home task.

      Climate - климат

      Temperature- температура

      Average - средний

      Above zero – выше ноля

      Below zero –ниже ноля

      To reach - достигать

      Weather forecast –прогноз погоды

      Predict  - предсказывать

      Humid/humidity- влажный/влажность

ü  How do people know about the weather nowadays?

ü  Is it important to know weather forecast? Why?

ü  How did ancient people know about weather many years ago?

Group work or pair work

Students read the text together and try to understand it. They try to guess the meaning of unknown words from the context. Or they may use dictionaries.  Ask them to highlight or underline the main information in it. The teacher circles in the class and monitors the work.    



Slide 2,3



















Reading worksheet




5 mins


Students elicit the facts about climate and weather in Kazakhstan they have learnt.

Home task students should choose one season and describe it.





Home task worksheet


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?


What did the learners learn today?



What was the learning atmosphere like?



Did my planned differentiation work well?


Did I stick to timings?



What changes did I make from my plan and why?


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?





What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?





What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?





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